Where the Flame of Truth Burns Bright – Reflections & Guided Meditation

Dhamma is like mother, father, guardian, the Truth that we can rest in. So rest in the purity of one moment. Offering to listen, what is the message we receive? In the silence of the mind, what do we hear? If there is no…

Into the Quiet – Guided Meditation and Reflections

We go forth into the quiet of the heart, distant from the world, to glimpse the Unconditioned. We are alone but we are as if with all beings. There is no ‘one’ who wakes up, there is just awakening. It is freeing and it’s…

Secure Connection, Free Roaming

Removing our harness to the world, we really detach and make the intention in the mind to stop. Having moved inwardly into this now moment, we pause and secure our internal connection to truth. This work requires our faith, vigilance, sustained attention, care and…

We Are Not Separate At All

During times of global pandemic, it’s easier to see how deeply connected we are in our vulnerability to disease.  Meditating and touching the silent space of the heart, we see how deeply connected we are at all times – connected in dis-ease; in fear, in…

A Cry of Surprise

In the inner sea, we know what is truly true. Knowing is the mother, breathing is the child. Going beyond past hurts, beyond thought, being old or young, desolate or delighted, go even beyond Covid, there in the timeless emptiness of present moment awareness…

On the Cross of Our Illusions – A Guided Dying Meditation and Reflections

To simulate the natural process of death is to experience the impermanence of the five aggregates and a pure awareness that knows the inherent emptiness of things as they truly are. Dying is a potent doorway for liberation of mind and the best death…

A Pilgrimage of Trust: Guided Meditation

A guided meditation on death and dying – the final steps in our life’s journey. Balance, mindfulness and faith teach us to touch the joy of the present moment as a spiritual pilgrim. Given at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, UK, Death & Dying Retreat in…

Medicine Heart Metta: Guided Forgiveness

May you be well, happy, and peaceful. Learn how to connect with the radiant, loving energy in your heart. Dissolve your opinions and unwholesome attitudes and deepen a quintessential quality for the Path – forgiveness. It is the key to greater loving-kindness for all…

Boundless Metta in Difficult Times: A Guided Meditation

We can develop boundless quality of Metta in difficult conditions. A guided meditation during Waking Up to the Peace in Our Hearts Monastic Retreat at Insight Meditation Society Retreat Centre in 2013.

Sanctity Deep Within Us: Guided Metta Meditation

Allowing and caring for the moment with tenderness, bringing it forth, we learn to take care of each other as we take care of others. Just as we wish ourselves well, we wish others the same love and care for their well-being and happiness…