Offering Food & Supplies


We follow the Buddha’s ancient monastic practice, living as alms mendicants wholly dependent on the kindness and generosity of our lay community for our daily requisites including food, shelter, clothing, and medicines. Your kind messages of support and the stream of generosity that comes our way bring us immeasurable joy and encouragement. Thank you.

In- Person Meditation and Teaching:
Join us for Sunday meditations followed by a Dhamma talk –
1.30 to 3pm in the Dhamma Hall

Dhamma Podcasts are published weekly. Please visit the home page if you’d like to sign up.

If you would like to offer a cooked meal and/or groceries, for the Bhikkhuni Sangha, please write to: 

Foods, medicines and household items can also be offered by:

  • sending a box by post; or
  • sending a President’s Choice (PC) Gift Card; or
  • via the Sati Saraniya food fund at Barnabe’s Independent Grocery Store in Perth: 613-267-6763 (ask to speak to Kathy or Debbie in accounting). A volunteer driver will deliver your dana to the monastery.

~*~ May your generosity be a well-spring of joy. May kindness prevail and may we all live free from hunger – in harmony, safety and peace. ~*~ 

July 26th, 2024

FOOD ITEMS:  Items in blue have a link

  • chard, arugula
  • berries, mangoes
  • avocados 
  • Basmati white rice 
  • almond butter 
  • frozen blueberries (wild if available)


  • 1 L can Goodfellow Terra Sealer for cuts (wood) – sold at Perth Planing Mill
  • plastic patio chairs such as these or these

We have plenty of:  eggs, facial tissues