Unwavering Mind

To directly know Truth, we enter the depths of the vast ocean of the mind. We refine our attention and focus it like a laser beam. In the knowing of knowing itself, impermanence is revealed together with the inherent suffering of the conditioned world…

True Space Mission

Our mission is to find truth by turning inward to the space of the heart. We may think we know why we are here on this earth but we can only really know when we enter the sanctuary of this inner space and turn…

In the Domain of No Fear

The Buddha himself touched the Truth with his own mind. And so can we. It’s a purifying, intimate process – internal, invisible and crossing many intersections. At each one, we patiently examine the state of the heart, discerning what is harmful and what is…

The Threads of Your Life – Guided Death Meditation

When you move towards what is fearful step by step with courage, it is possible to overcome the darkest moments breath by breath.  Draw together all the threads of your life, and let each one go strand by strand. A guided meditation on death…

A Generosity of Presence: Guided Meditation

When we remember to empty out all the distraction, all the movement, all the roughness of life, nameless, formless, without identity – we touch the shore of truth as waves touch the shores of the ocean, reaching our true home in the fullness of…

Standing for the Dhamma: Reflections & Guided Meditation

Standing up in pure presence is one of the four great postures. In this simple act of being present, know one mind-moment at a time, repeatedly. Grateful for one breath, one posture, one point, we gain balance and poise. We allow our suffering to…

Rising Up Like A Swan, Reflections & Guided Meditation

Reviewing our effort to practise, recalibrate and make adjustments as needed. Make peace with what arises – neither controlling nor being passive; like a parent – compassionate, mindful, discerning. Whatever hindrance is most predominant, make it skillful, waking up if we’re asleep, or settling…

As Still As the Earth, Guided Meditation

Standing as still as we can like the earth, aware, embodying qualities of heart that we treasure, share the goodness with all who are dear to us, and with all beings. Live wisely from that kind of pure inner space. As we chant these…

The Gift of Walking, Guided Meditation

Walking as a meditation posture is dynamic and complementary to breath meditation. With more to distract us from being attentive to our own experience, walking requires sharper effort, mindfulness, focus, and present moment awareness. This provides an invaluable template for practice in the many…

Where the Flame of Truth Burns Bright – Reflections & Guided Meditation

Dhamma is like mother, father, guardian, the Truth that we can rest in. So rest in the purity of one moment. Offering to listen, what is the message we receive? In the silence of the mind, what do we hear? If there is no…