Buddhist Women on a Path of Spiritual Awakening
It’s good to clear everything before we die, to leave no spiritual debts that may heavily impact our karma. Seeing the powerful healing of joy and kindness, I take up the practice of inner cleansing day by day, applying metta – loving-kindness practice –…
We keep searching for happiness through travel, surfing the internet, shopping, and other worldly ways – but does it ever last? Supreme happiness arises right here in the heart – when we are patient beyond measure, present, stronger than we know. With groundbreaking inner…
Giving our full attention inwardly is waking up to the truth of pure presence. In one breath, one moment of pure awareness, we can know a spiritual joy that deeply calms the mind. The shutters of the heart open to a piercing clarity that…
We are on a mountain with a tremendous view. Let the breath speak to us. Stay present and watch both the joy and the suffering. We investigate wisely and patiently like a parent whose child may object or run away. Trying to see the…
When we meditate, we are alone and yet with all the world. Thoughts intrude from all sides. But we remain secluded within, protected, serene. Gently we open the door to the heart with unassailable trust. We bend and bow silently, observing the breath with…
Emptying the mind of fearful thoughts, we stop clinging to anything of the world – one moment at a time. And we come to know a liberating joy. It’s a way to enter the dimension of transcendence that uplifts us beyond the prison of…
As seekers of truth, we turn the wheel of Dhamma inwardly. There alone can we understand the mind’s purity and directly know the true rhythm of the heart, undiluted by worldly refrains. The sounds of the world can turn coarse and invasive until we…
The winds of change blow constantly. We seek shelter, gazing attentive and unobstructed into the mind – aware, in pure presence each moment. We sit, warming the heart and our precepts with gratitude. Stopping in this way, letting be, we truly see. In loving…
Contentment and generosity nurture a quality of metta that is kind through and through. We learn to respond to life like the good earth that is ever patient with and tolerant of our heedlessness. Whatever you throw on it – even if it’s harmful…
With selfless awareness, we radiate good-will, that quality of loving-kindness, inwardly and to all beings, even to those who are indifferent or hostile, or to those who cause harm. This is the Buddha’s instruction to us in the Metta Sutta. Can we unequivocally wish…