Buddhist Women on a Path of Spiritual Awakening
We may speak of or feel that we know about death but until we truly contemplate, approach and move into death, what do we know? This is a tale about looking into the eye of a tortoise shell butterfly while it lay dying on…
As we follow the steps of the Eightfold Noble Path, our hatred, greed, and delusion abate. We may yet suffer, but we use our suffering to fathom the meaning of it, see its causes, and see the possibility for ending suffering. The four Noble…
What is renunciation? Patiently we learn how to let go of the thoughts and actions that enslave us to samsara. And we begin to understand what it takes to tame the ego and cultivate greater and greater compassion in its boundless quality. Through this…
Let us hone our expertise to witness the charade of gain and loss arising each moment. Seeing the eight worldly winds, impermanent, not giving in when the mind perches in ‘self’, purify wrong view, empty the basket, and begin here where we are, balanced,…
We go forth into the quiet of the heart, distant from the world, to glimpse the Unconditioned. We are alone but we are as if with all beings. There is no ‘one’ who wakes up, there is just awakening. It is freeing and it’s…
The contemplative path of purifying the mind is the most important journey of all – inward. Just as the little quail that tricked a hawk, we no longer fall prey to the ‘maras’ of the world, safe in our proper ancestral domain of virtue….
Wherever we go the mind does not remain happy – unless we fully awaken. How can we end the restless tides and remain inwardly stable, content within ourselves like the well-hewn wheel that stood still when it stopped rolling and did not fall down?…
Too busy in the world, all entangled, we yearn to be free. So direct the mind to Nibbana – like a tree that leans to the East. And when it falls, it will fall in that direction. We too will arrive if we aim…
We must not underestimate the significance of dedicating ourselves to the five precepts. Such a commitment to virtue provides a moral and ethical basis for life that will ultimately lessen our suffering. We find ourselves embodying qualities of truthfulness, kindness and care for ourselves…
Are we ready to stop clinging, let go and trust? If we live with gratitude and change for the good, if we learn to really see, we will be able to listen from within and notice the true condition of the mind. We move…