Buddhist Women on a Path of Spiritual Awakening
A talk given at Toronto Theravada Buddhist Community in 2015.
A reading during Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto retreat in 2016.
A reading during Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto retreat in 2016.
The jhana factors serve as antidotes to the five hindrances as well as supports in developing the Noble Eightfold Path. But they are not enough in and of themselves to establish wisdom. Studying the body and mind through samatha and vipassana, we come to…
The mind is so easily duped by its own delusion. By holding perceptions, views and opinions – our own, as well as others – as “uncertain”, and being circumspect, we can bear witness to experience as the Knowing Mind, unburdened by its conditioning. When…
As we establish awareness on the breath, notice where the mind is, polishing it until it shines like a bright moon. Use the sublime abidings to spread calming energy throughout the breath and the body. The hindrances fall away. Relieved of our attachments, we…
Stokes Valley Monastery Retreat, New Zealand The poison arrow of ignorance spreads its toxins through passion, desire and ill will. By sitting still, applying mindfulness and surrendering to what is, the right view will illuminate our minds and will help us extract the arrow…
A breakthrough step on the spiritual path is realizing just how deluded we really are – otherwise we would not have to seek happiness outside ourselves. To see our true state of mind, we have to properly investigate and honestly peel away the layers…
Within us we have a sacred space that we need to reclaim – the very space inside the heart. Here the Four Noble Truths come to life. Know our suffering, not blaming anyone or any conditions for it, see its origin within us, and…