Knowing Godness

Was the Buddha a Buddhist? The Buddha was fully awakened, having realized the truth beyond convention, beyond worldly identities. We want that – to fully awaken; and to understand our experience at its core through the purification of the heart. When the mind is…

Why Do We Have To Be Human?

Meditation is a renewable resource. “Why do we have to be human? O not because happiness exists – but because being in this Dharma realm means so much.” Our spiritual work reveals how we must hold the mind – as refuge, safety, and protection…

Love Wisdom More Than Life

To bring the mind to peace, we must learn about all that makes it unpeaceful, unquiet. We learn how to guide ourselves to abide in wholesome states of mind, how to prevent dark and unskilfull states from arising and how to deal with them…

Grow in the Master’s Way

All conditions of this world have the nature to change: the earth, weather, governments, work, health, leisure, family, friendships and so forth. We observe these variations and consider the most critical change of all. It promises the greatest blessing – but first we must…

Gone Forth, Going Beyond

A book of Ayyā Medhānandī’s Dhamma reflections from 1996 to 2007, published in English and Mandarin, 2008. “We do not know what laws are at work here. These pains we endure may purify some dark karma to release us from them forever. In the…

Our Dhamma Compass

Strong in restraint, courageous in wisdom, we use our Dhamma compass of right view to steer us on the Noble Eightfold Path, while right intention sustains the healing actions of mind that let go unwholesome thoughts and endless fabrications. We learn to live and…

Selfie of the Mind

Are we present here and now? How much do we obsess in thought? Is the mind filled with worry – wavering from anxiety to fear?  Here and now, we examine and ascend to peaceful states. When we’re dreaming, wake up. Know that we’re asleep….

Soft Landing – Reflections and Guided Meditation

When we meditate, we are alone and yet with all the world. Thoughts intrude from all sides. But we remain secluded within, protected, serene. Gently we open the door to the heart with unassailable trust. We bend and bow silently, observing the breath with…

Sacred and Sublime

Compassion is a sublime, healing quality that restores us to goodwill, integrity, wisdom and equanimity. Not only do we repair the harm that we have caused, but we turn the wheel of Dhamma in this world. This can also serve as a catalyst for…

The Buddha’s Promise

The human realm is ever fraught with greed and delusion, conflicted and loud in its extremes. These violations are just that – destroyers of our spiritual verve. As pilgrims of peace, we disarm them in the interior silence of the heart. Courageous, we stand…