Buddhist Women on a Path of Spiritual Awakening
Caught in quivering flames of fear too vulnerable to see or hear deafened by blame and loss – I listen again to the Quiet. I stand empty at the altar of emptiness bowing to goodness to wisdom my singular refuge – the heart’s great…
On Sunday, September 15, 2019, please join us for a day of gratitude. We will honour our great Dhamma grandmother, Arahant Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, the Buddha’s aunt and surrogate mother, on the anniversary of her ordination as the first bhikkhunī. We will also be celebrating…
Join us for a week of silent vipassana meditation lead by Ayya Medhanandi and sponsored by Satipanna Insight Meditation Toronto (SIMT) from August 9-16, 2019. The venue for the retreat is Chapin Mill, a beautiful 135 acre purpose-built Buddhist meditation center run by the…
Please join us for Ayyā Medhānandī’s 70th birthday on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019. It is also our 10th anniversary in the forests of Sati Sārāņīya Hermitage and our 11th year in Canada. Luang Por Viradhammo will join us for this special day along with…
Wandering farbeyond vast seas and galaxiesour minds reach out Beyond life’s webwe dreamsearching for lasting beauty But all we find are fragments caught in the net of our longing And yetAnd yet we stay the coursewe endure And soon what felt like trials and…
On an unusually warm winter afternoon, the last Sunday of November, many of us gathered together in the Temple to witness Anagārikā Kusalā (Lori Elling) enter the holy life as a postulant at Sati Sārāņīya Hermitage. Reflecting on the auspiciousness of this occasion, we…
Audio Version – Ayyā Medhānandī Breakfast Reflections I’ve talked quite a bit about the tornado and the eye of the tornado. And I spoke more about the winds circling around the eye than the eye itself. We tend to measure the speed and direction…
In mid-September, we were blessed to welcome Ajahn Sucitto to Sati Saraniya Hermitage for a joyful sharing of the Dhamma. We marvelled at the benevolent impact of his wise, gracious presence on our inner well-being, and how – both during and long after his…
“The revival of the bhikkhuni tradition is…the most significant development for the Theravada tradition of the 21st century.” Bhikkhu Analayo With respect to the bhikkhu ordinations at Tisarana Buddhist Monastery on Sept. 16th, we have delayed our annual almsgiving ceremony this year to September…