Buddhist Women on a Path of Spiritual Awakening
Study the nature of change as if your life depends on it. (It does) The more you understand impermanence the lighter your step the sharper your gaze on your path through the fleeting world. Study uncertainty as if your life depends on it. (It…
Have you ever watched a full solar eclipse? When the moon slips mysteriously across the face of the sun and obliterates it from view, the light of day grows pallid, burnishing all the world with its eerie luster. As the air temperature cools, birds…
Too scared to let go Reckless in what is fearsome Deluded, we cling to false freedoms To delusion itself. The monarch’s epic pilgrimage Is fearless We too are stronger than we know – So, sip the nectar of this moment Vulnerable but true. This…
from the Ten Perfections (pāramī) by Ajahn Sucitto: Generosity/Sharing (dāna): Recognizing the joy of sharing, and acknowledging that we all come into this world subject to pain, sorrow, sickness and death, I aspire to offer what I can in terms of resources, hospitality, healing…
A reflection from Ayyā Nimmalā: More than two and a half millenia ago, in ancient India, one of the Buddha’s royal supporters, King Pasenadi of Kosala, was fortunate enough to be given a teaching using a powerful simile to remind him of the…
A reflection from Ajahn Jayasāro: For most people, reaching the end of their life, breathing becomes laboured. Meditation on the breath, even for experienced meditators becomes difficult. At this crucial time, with death approaching, the meditations that are most practical are those that use…
We started publishing select Dhamma talks through a Sati Saraniya Hermitage podcast. New episodes will come out every Friday and you can get notified about these by subscribing to an update email from Mailchimp (make sure that you check “Sati Saraniya Podcasts” option) or…
While reading the news of current world events, I am reminded of one of the Buddha’s teachings on different kinds of people in the world. On a certain occasion the Buddha said, “There are four kinds of people found existing in the world. What…
Nearly nine billion circling This realm of disease Decay and death We all perish one day And the end comes Unannounced Where is sanctuary? I tell you – Everything is ownerless Everywhere crumbling Ready to be wrenched away At any moment Just like this…
*** from Ajahn Jayasāro “The more closely we contemplate our bodies and minds and the world we live in, the more profoundly we become aware of fragility and instability. When a crisis like this pandemic lays bare the unreliable and uncertain nature of the…