Unsurpassed Treasure

The Buddha is our unexcelled guide on the journey of a lifetime – to the end of suffering. We look within and enter the silence of the heart, leaving behind our ideas, fears, attachments, and identities to discover the treasures of pure presence –…

Sanctity Deep Within Us: Guided Metta Meditation

Allowing and caring for the moment with tenderness, bringing it forth, we learn to take care of each other as we take care of others. Just as we wish ourselves well, we wish others the same love and care for their well-being and happiness…

Take Your Medicine

Cultivation of a spiritual path depends on a holistic approach. It is more than meditation alone.  We take the entire course of the Buddha’s prescription for life.  Just as a patient requires treatment and is given medicine for it, we must finish the entire…


A talk given during Satipaññā Insight Meditation Toronto retreat in 2015. 

Noble Search and Rescue

How can we stay true to our spiritual aspirations and work to fulfill them without compromise? Diligence in our practice is a great resource for growing the endurance, patience, and courage we will need to guard the mind against the hindrances and keep our…