Buddhist Women on a Path of Spiritual Awakening
The heart is a moral tapestry of clear coordinates for liberation. Caught between duality and proliferation, we vanquish the ‘self’ using the Buddha’s pithy instruction to Bahiya of the Bark Cloth. “In the seen, there is only the seen. In the heard… only the…
Just as a gardener cultivates seedlings by watering them well, metta is praised as a foundational quality for watering the full liberation of the heart. As a spiritual gardener, work to deeply understand and integrate metta in all aspects of life and practice. It…
What stops us from realizing Truth? We face the human condition besieged with obstacles in the mind that can be overcome with a total commitment to giving up our many forms of addiction. We learn to stay present and to develop the enlightenment factors…
As we establish awareness on the breath, notice where the mind is, polishing it until it shines like a bright moon. Use the sublime abidings to spread calming energy throughout the breath and the body. The hindrances fall away. Relieved of our attachments, we…