Buddhist Women on a Path of Spiritual Awakening
Our most valued renewable resource is the heart, the seat of awareness and our true refuge in what is worthy of refuge – the ancient virtue of the noble ones. Breath by breath, we embody pure presence, wisely seeing how suffering arises and understanding…
What is spiritual beauty? Kindness, forgiveness, unconditional love? Can we sustain a hallowed inner space that will not be degraded by unkind thoughts? When noble virtue protects the heart at its innermost core, we repair and train the mind to go beyond all brokenness….
How can we beat a path to awakening? Meditate and develop deep, wise insight, training like a spiritual athlete in this new millenium. Like clearing a trail in dense forest, walk it again and again, with strong determination, truly knowing, and enduring difficulties to…
The meaning of the words “commitment” and “sacrifice” are spoken of in relationship to taking of vows and training as an anagārikā as well as to practice as a householder. Regardless of the form we use, it is possible for each of us to…