Grow in the Master’s Way

All conditions of this world have the nature to change: the earth, weather, governments, work, health, leisure, family, friendships and so forth. We observe these variations and consider the most critical change of all. It promises the greatest blessing – but first we must…

Remember What You Love

To harvest the real riches of the journey, seek refuge and protection in wisdom; and gain profound peace and happiness through the practice of loving-kindness, compassion and forgiveness. These qualities of reconciliation uphold virtue, concord, care and respect so that we can befriend what…

A Generosity of Presence: Guided Meditation

When we remember to empty out all the distraction, all the movement, all the roughness of life, nameless, formless, without identity – we touch the shore of truth as waves touch the shores of the ocean, reaching our true home in the fullness of…

Satipaññā and Refuge to the Rescue

How can we avoid the pitfalls that Mara sets for us on the path? Develop sati – mindfulness – to act as a gatekeeper that can recognize the earliest signs of delusion, ill will, and greed. At the same time, cultivate paññā, wisdom and…

This is Not Beyond Our Doing

We can bear witness to each others’ suffering by recognizing genuine spiritual friends or kalyānamitta who share our values and our desire for awakening. Spiritual friends can help us identify our individual pitfalls and support our letting go of these obstacles. It is a…