Buddhist Women on a Path of Spiritual Awakening
Learn how we can refine our mental skills of faith, energy, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom. Enhanced by right view and a deepened understanding of the Four Noble Truths, these spiritual powers vanquish hatred and fear, nurturing our readiness to forgive and the blessed qualities…
Are you interested in becoming fully awakened? The development of determination, adhitthana, is one of the Ten Perfections that will allow you to persevere with your practice and gain traction in spite of seemingly intractable obstacles and frustrations. A talk given at the Buddhist Society…
Why does anger cause us so much misery? As long as we feed it, anger insidiously undermines our spiritual work. Mindful and aware, we learn to refrain from feeding that angry dog and we loosen its foothold within the mind. By the power of…
Practice means we keep trying to purify the mind and strengthen our commitment to the precepts. There is no failure – we just begin again and again until we find our Dhamma wings. A short talk given during a Theravada Buddhist Community (TBC) retreat…
We value peace of mind and yet life may seem fraught with complexity and stress.. How can we nurture inner calm in the midst of unsettling conditions? We need to take the time to stop and study the mind. See the arising of displeasure…
By practising awareness of your breath you will begin to understand your mental and physical processes and develop mindfulness. You will know what is happening as it happens, and you will be able to recognize a hindrance and turn it off. Spiritual regret for…
Here are step by step instructions to deepen our meditation by refining close attention to the breath. Gradually investigate the impermanent nature of wanting, aversion, sleepiness, restlessness, and doubt as they arise, and fall away. With resolve and curiousity, we dismiss these five great…
The meaning of the words “commitment” and “sacrifice” are spoken of in relationship to taking of vows and training as an anagārikā as well as to practice as a householder. Regardless of the form we use, it is possible for each of us to…
With the advent of the Winter Solstice – the shortest day of the year – comes the promise that the light will return. We can honour this principle in our practice by turning towards the light that is revealed in our own minds. The…
Ayya Medhanandi reflects on the meaning of the different mudras or hand gestures used by the Buddha himself when he gave teachings. Each represents an important quality for us to practise and develop such as fearlessness, faith or compassion. You can see these mudras…