Buddhist Women on a Path of Spiritual Awakening
Human beings have that special ability to deeply see and fathom things as they truly are. But we are so impatient. We resist letting go. Clinging, we harm unknowingly and stray from truth, gaining no peace. How can we recover and free ourselves from…
Are we able to dedicate our goodness and our practice for the welfare of others? COVID teaches us that if we are not healthy, others are affected, and if the world is not well, then we will also suffer – because we are all…
Just as a gardener cultivates seedlings by watering them well, metta is praised as a foundational quality for watering the full liberation of the heart. As a spiritual gardener, work to deeply understand and integrate metta in all aspects of life and practice. It…
When you move towards what is fearful step by step with courage, it is possible to overcome the darkest moments breath by breath. Draw together all the threads of your life, and let each one go strand by strand. A guided meditation on death…
Develop health of the mind. Many who face dire illness and many at the cusp of death overcome their fear or face death fearlessly. How is that possible? Caring for the mind can bring it to peace whereas the health of the body will…
Take refuge and commit to ethical precepts to deepen the purification of virtue within us. This is the basis for true happiness. We take refuge in enlightened wisdom, and in our ability to awaken. We have faith that we can realize that Truth by…
How can we beat a path to awakening? Meditate and develop deep, wise insight, training like a spiritual athlete in this new millenium. Like clearing a trail in dense forest, walk it again and again, with strong determination, truly knowing, and enduring difficulties to…
When we remember to empty out all the distraction, all the movement, all the roughness of life, nameless, formless, without identity – we touch the shore of truth as waves touch the shores of the ocean, reaching our true home in the fullness of…
Discover the riches of the Noble Eightfold Path again and again. See into the depths of the mind by rightly remembering and using the Buddha’s guidance not only in formal meditation practice but in every waking hour of daily life. Begin, sustain, and deepen…
A humble novice with his bowl empty exemplifies where true riches lie in this world. Meditating deep in the unchartered borders within, gain those riches by giving up worldly pursuits. See the value of what is true and what reveals the truth to us….