Death and Awakening

Listen deeply to the resonance within where virtue sows fields of goodness, wisdom, and compassion and Death teaches us to let go. At first, we tremble with fear. But out of that fear we draw strength. Out of anger – a stillness and forgiveness….

It Will Never Happen To Me

Shrouded in the cloud of ignorance, we believe that suffering will never happen to us. But when we emerge from that fog into a radical simplicity of heart, suffering becomes our teacher. Our eyes are opened thanks to Right View and direct experience of…

Nothing But the Truth

Instead of holding onto what burns and pains us, uphold the truth of present moment awareness and know that freedom is in our hands. We free ourselves from unwholesome qualities. In the midst of fear, we bring up fearlessness; in the midst of resentment,…

Fierce Gifts

When life presents fearsome obstacles, be your own spiritual ally and turn those obstacles into windows that open to the depths of the heart.  There, cultivating loving-kindness, compassion, radiant joy and the wisdom of discernment, behold the fierce gifts of the Dhamma that defy…

The Moral Equivalent of War

Though we feel powerless to effect change globally, we can purify the mind and restore trust, peace, and harmony in our own lives. Six special qualities of reconciliation help us nurture the balm of forgiveness. We learn to see how our suffering begins and…

Nuclear Free

We have a nuclear reactor within us and a nuclear accident may be taking place inside right now. It’s urgent for us to understand how to heal and free ourselves from this toxicity, and from every form of violence. Meditate, live wisely, and practice…

A Wilderness Traveller

All of us can train our minds. When we are driven by lack of wisdom, ill-will, greed or confusion, we live in a wilderness of the mind. In spiritual community, we hold together to blaze a trail through that wilderness, establishing trust and confidence,…

Unsurpassed Treasure

The Buddha is our unexcelled guide on the journey of a lifetime – to the end of suffering. We look within and enter the silence of the heart, leaving behind our ideas, fears, attachments, and identities to discover the treasures of pure presence –…

Peace Without Fear – Seven Lights to Freedom

The Buddha teaches us about seven lights to gain true freedom . They are none other than the factors of enlightenment. Three are dynamic skills that deeply cleanse the mind. In turn, these give rise to four ‘septic friendly’ brightening agents that lead us…

Compassion Is Greater Than Fear

Compassion is a strength, a generosity, a joy, a guardian of the mind, a rescue from fear and all forms of suffering, and a fountain of peace. It brings untold benefit both for one who gives it and for one who receives it. Compassion…