Financial Support
Financial gifts are used to provide for the care and basic requisites of the resident monastics such as medical and dental needs, robe cloth, clothing and footwear as well as utilities, repairs and upkeep of the monastery facilities.
WAYS TO DONATE – Donations that are made electronically are very helpful, whenever possible. One time or monthly donations can be made using any of the following options. Please write if you have any questions:
- PayPal Giving Fund Canada If you have a PayPal account, you can donate without any fee to the donor or the charity through the PayPal Giving Fund Canada
- PayPal also accepts one-time and recurring online donations through all major credit cards, Visa Debit and Pay Pal accounts. For each donation, Sati Saraniya Hermitage pays 1.6% plus a per-transaction fee depending on the currency used ($0.30 for CAD or USD). Canadian tax receipts are issued if you provide your full name and mailing address at the time of donation.
- Canada Helps accepts online donations of major credit cards, Interac and Paypal. They retain a 3.5% administrative charge for all donations. Canadian tax receipts are issued by Canada Helps for donations made through their organization.

- Gifts In-Kind for the Hermitage community include food items, monastic requisites, and household supplies and equipment. To receive a Canadian tax receipt, please submit store receipts from your donations of groceries or other items with your full name, postal and e-mail address.
Tax receipts for all gifts will be sent out at the end of the year. Our Canada Revenue Agency registered charity number is 84723 7419 RR0001.